Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment...

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment.

In this moment is life - all of it.

The world of dreams is right here;

look with my eyes.

The dense smoke is parting;

the fog is lifting.

Look, now the light of heaven falls everywhere.

The glowing earth, the blue sky,

a shikaara floating on the waters;

the world of dreams is right here.

I saw it with your eyes.

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment.

On wings of desire, I became a bird and flew away.

The one I desired, to his path I was bound.

I found something, I lost something;

God knows what happened to me.

Waking or sleeping, I remain like this - lost!

No one knows my agitation, no one knows.

The world of dreams is right here;

I saw it with your eyes.

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment.

My gaze doesn't move from your face.

Nobody is here but us; only the knowledge of this love

A sudden gust of fragrance perfumes us,

and we know nothing, nothing but us.

Far away the wedding music sounds and memory becomes a bride.

On your chest I rest my head.

The world of dreams is right here;

look with my eyes.

The dense smoke is parting;

the fog is lifting.

Look, now the light of heaven falls everywhere.

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment.

In this moment is life - all of it.

The world of dreams is right here;

I saw it with your eyes.

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment.

I saw it with your eyes.

Listen quietly.

I saw it with your eyes.

Listen quietly to the beat of this moment.

Bagus kan Puisinya??MSN Onion Icons
Puisi diatas sebenarnya adalah lyric dari sebuah lagu India "Chupke Se Sun", setelah ditranslate ke English jadinya ya seperti diatas..
Loh Kok tiba2 Onion Icons?? hmmm Alergi ya sama yg berbau2 Bolly,, hehehe jangan salah loh,, lagu2 india itu sebenarnya bagus2, kalo kita tau Artinya, hehehe.. Ane sih suka2 aja ama lagunya, walau orang kantor agak merinding kalau puterin lagu dari laptop, habis beda selera sih. Jadinya ya ane persempit area dengarnya Khusus untuk Ane sendiri dengan menggunakan headset. Tapi ane bukan penggemar lagu India sih , Cuman beberapa aja yg enak didengar, biasanya setelah nonton Film india sering terngiang2 Ost Filmnya,, yah paling itu aja yg sering didengar,, Onion Icons (serius,, ane Gak bohong MSN Onion Icons
Ngomong2 soal lagu diatas, Lagu itu adalah Ost dari Film Mission Khasmir, Filmnya Bagus, tentang Kisah Perjuangan seorang pemuda untuk kemerdekaan negerinya,Khasmir ,(daerah muslim yg diperebutkan oleh India dan pakistan), yg maen Film ini Hritik Roshan sama Prety Zinta, Nntonnya sih pas waktu SD dulu , tapi lagunya masih terngiang2 aja di telinga, soalnya dulu adik ane Bolly Mania , jadi sering diputar pake DVD Player,, hohoho. tadi nanya OM Google, kata Beliau Download aja disini, ada juga sih beberapa yg bagus lagunya seperti lagu Socho ke Jheelon Ka (Dream of city of Lake) kalo yg ini downloadnya di sini, itu lagu tentang negeri khasmir yg sangat subur, negeri impian yg dulu mungkin sekarang masih menjadi tempat paling indah didunia, negeri yg dikelilingi oleh lembah2 yg indah sekali Onion Icon..sejuk dan damai (Kalau saja disitu tak ada Konflik)
dan setelah didownload ternyata lagunya masih asik didengar,, Onion Icons(sekali lagi saudara2 ini tergantung Selera Onion Icons

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